- AEA IGNITE PROGRAM SHOWCASES WORLD-CLASS RESEARCH CAPABILITIES OF REGIONAL UNIVERSITIESRegional Universities continue to demonstrate their world-class research capabilities in key areas of national importance, following the release of successful projects funded by the Australia’s Economic Accelerator (AEA) Ignite program today. RUN Chief Executive Officer Alec Webb said regional universities are consistently being recognised for their ability to conduct important research in fields that matter… Read more: AEA IGNITE PROGRAM SHOWCASES WORLD-CLASS RESEARCH CAPABILITIES OF REGIONAL UNIVERSITIES
- REGIONAL EDUCATION TO REMAIN A KEY PRIORITY UNDER ATEC APPOINTMENTSThe Regional Universities Network (RUN) has welcomed the priority being placed upon establishing the Australian Tertiary Education Commission (ATEC) and has congratulated Professor Mary O’Kane AC on her appointment to the role of ATEC Interim Chief Commissioner. RUN Chief Executive Officer Alec Webb said Professor O’Kane’s important work developing the Australian Universities Accord placed regional… Read more: REGIONAL EDUCATION TO REMAIN A KEY PRIORITY UNDER ATEC APPOINTMENTS
- MINISTERIAL DIRECTION 111 RESTORES EQUITY TO STUDENT VISA PROCESSINGThe Government’s decision to enact Ministerial Direction 111 will ensure that Australia’s smaller and regional universities will be heading into 2025 under a much fairer visa processing regime that recognises all universities as high-quality providers. The Regional Universities Network (RUN) Chief Executive Officer Alec Webb said the Government has listened to, and acted upon, the… Read more: MINISTERIAL DIRECTION 111 RESTORES EQUITY TO STUDENT VISA PROCESSING
- MYEFO’S ACCORD REFORMS DELIVER FOR REGIONAL AUSTRALIANSThe Government’s 2024/25 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) has set the stage for regional university students to benefit from the funding of important reforms to the tertiary education sector. The Regional Universities Network (RUN) Chief Executive Officer Alec Webb said today’s MYEFO 2024-25 update has seen the Government take decisive steps towards a more… Read more: MYEFO’S ACCORD REFORMS DELIVER FOR REGIONAL AUSTRALIANS
- STRATEGIC EXAMINATION OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT WELCOMED BY THE REGIONS02 December 2024 The Government’s announcement of a wholesale review of Australia’s Research and Development system, led by an independent panel of experts in consultation with a broad range of stakeholders, has been welcomed by Australia’s regional universities. The Regional Universities Network (RUN) Chief Executive Officer Alec Webb said today’s release of the Terms of… Read more: STRATEGIC EXAMINATION OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT WELCOMED BY THE REGIONS
- RE-APPOINTMENT OF REGIONAL EDUCATION COMMISSIONER A WIN FOR REGIONAL AUSTRALIA29 November 2024 The re-appointment of the Hon. Fiona Nash as the Regional Education Commissioner has been warmly received by the Regional Universities Network (RUN). RUN Chief Executive Officer Alec Webb said the continuation of Ms Nash in the important role has reaffirmed a bipartisan commitment to advancing the case of regional education in… Read more: RE-APPOINTMENT OF REGIONAL EDUCATION COMMISSIONER A WIN FOR REGIONAL AUSTRALIA